What is this?

This is Disambiguation, a newsletter by David McRaney about how brains make sense of the world which he almost titled: “I Think Therefore I’m Wrong.”

Also, I’m David, so let’s leave the third person thing behind from here on out.

This is where I’ll be sharing all sorts of new content. Some of it will be extra material from my new book How Minds Change, but most of it will be completely new, original, unique essays about how we are all the unreliable narrators in the story of our lives, telling ourselves tales about ourselves despite being unaware of how unaware we are.

Oh, and disambiguation is what brains do when confronted with novelty and uncertainty. We use what we (think) we know and understand to disambiguate the ambiguous. I love that term, especially because it comes from reading comprehension – the act of deriving meaning through context when a word, phrase, or entire essay could be interpreted in many different ways.

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Walls of words about how brains and minds disambiguate the ambiguous


Hey there, I’m David McRaney. I’m a science journalist fascinated with brains, minds, and culture. My most recent book is How Minds Change, and You Are Not So Smart is my podcast